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Backup and restore

Manual InfluxDB backup from Home Assistant add-on

We can create a manual InfluxDB backup, which can be used for backup or testing on another system. These steps use the command line and Docker to create a backup.

# Let's get into the container
docker exec -it addon_a0d7b954_influxdb bash

# We create a temporary backup directory
mkdir -p /share/backup/influxdb/

# Create the backup to our new share directory
influxd backup -database homeassistant -portable /share/backup/influxdb/

# Exit the container

# (Optional) Set so all users can read the backup data
sudo chmod a+r /usr/share/hassio/share/backup/influxdb/*

# (Optional) Afterwards remove the backup
sudo rm -rf /usr/share/hassio/share/backup/influxdb/*

Manual InfluxDB backup restore to Home Assistant add-on

Restoring is also quite straight forward when you have created a portable backup.

# Let's get into the container
docker exec -it addon_a0d7b954_influxdb bash

# Restore the backup from the afformentioned directory
influxd restore -portable /share/backup/influxdb/

Manual InfluxDB backup restore to local Docker container

This can be useful for testing purposes. First we create set up the Docker containers for testing.

docker network create influxdb
docker run -d -p 8086:8086 -v /home/${USER}/dump/influxdb:/backup --net influxdb --name influxdb influxdb
docker run -d -p 8888:8888 --net influxdb --name chronograf chronograf --influxdb-url=http://influxdb:8086

The steps above run InfluxDB with Chronograf. Chronograf provides a nice and easy to use web interface, which can be accessed on http://localhost:8888. After we have set up InfluxDB we can restore our backup.

# Create the directory where we get to store our backup
mkdir -p /home/${USER}/dump/influxdb
cd /home/${USER}/dump/influxdb

# Let's retrieve our backup from Home Assistant
scp homeassistant.lan:/usr/share/hassio/share/backup/influxdb/\* ./

# Let's get into our newly created Docker container
docker exec -it influxdb bash

# And restore our backup!
influxd restore -portable /backup

And when your done, cleaning up is easy too!

# Delete the Docker containers and network
docker rm -f chronograf influxdb
docker network rm influxdb

# Clean up our backup
rm -rf /home/${USER}/dump/influxdb


These steps must be done locally.