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Visual Studio Code for Home Assistant

With Visual Studio Code for Home Assistant it is really easy to edit your YAML configuration on your Home Assistant machine. I prefer to have my configuration within a version control system, but this add-on provides me with the ability to also edit on server. And I can push my changed back into version control.


Installation of this add-on is quite straight forward. The add-on is available as a community add-on within the Home Assistant add-on store.


I just used the stock configuration, which worked fine for me.


Personally, I really prefer the Subliminal color scheme. Which I have installed as an color theme extension and applied to vscode. I also tend to prefer the IntelliJ IDEA keybindings.

Git configuration

Configuring Git was a bit trickier than I've expected. First of all you'll need your Git private key set up on your Home Assistant server. I had it located within my user's .ssh directory. To get the key into this add-on I've just used this command:

sudo cp ~/.ssh/* addons/data/a0d7b954_vscode/.ssh/

After that I had to set up my user and e-mail within the vscode terminal. Something like this:

git config --global "Alex"
git config --global ""

Finally I was able to effectively use Git from within VSCode.